Thursday, March 1, 2007

who else wants to make money online?

If you found this site, I'm sure that includes you.

You've come to the right place. This blog will be devoted to bringing you news and reviews of your best opportunities for making money online. No more, no less. I keep my eyes and ears peeled for the best information for you!

A little about me: who am I? That's a very good question. I'm a young woman, just married and just left the rat race myself. For ten years, I worked in the high-stress, high-burnout technology area. By the end, I was working 90 hour work weeks and pulling my hair out. There has got to be a better way, I told myself. So I started looking around.

There is a better way. The Internet is full of opportunities... and I want to bring them to you! But only the very best.

"Lady Bee" was a nickname that my mother gave me when I was very little... she still calls me that today!

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